Friday, December 28, 2007

Grab the guns. I'll make pancakes.

There's a line you don't hear every day. Get ready for the Sarah Connor Chronicles. Let's hope it's as interesting as this trailer.

Bring on January 6th

So I've already given up on Crowned. I don't mind campy reality but that show was just plain BAD. So now I'm waiting for the premiere of Cashmere Mafia. Here's a peek...


Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Is it January, yet?

I'm on a Stargate Atlantis kick these days. The second half of their best season yet kicks off in January. Check out these back to back promos... especially the second half if you're a fan of a certain Scottish doc on the show.

Can't wait.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Behind the scenes footage from Stargate Atlantis courtesy of TV Guide. Enjoy.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

This Mortal Coil

So Stargate Atlantis had it's fall finale Friday night on Sci-Fi. Interesting way to leave us hanging. It wasn't a major cliffhanger. No one was in immediate danger for a change. Perhaps the episode would have left us more in a lurch if the series wasn't returning in January. Fans of Stargate know that's a pretty big deal to have such a short amount of time between halves of the season. Usually Sci-Fi makes us wait months.

The major plot point for this episode is, of course, what happened to Elizabeth Weir. I like Atlantis much better this season with Colonel Carter at the helm, but there is something about Weir that I've always liked. Hearing that she was supposedly dead didn't sit well with me and since the actress is scheduled for one more episode this season I'm not giving up hope that the character will somehow return.

Overall the episode was quite engaging, obviously setting up several arcs for the remainder of the season. There were also a lot of nice character moments, especially the scene between Rodney and Zelenka at the end where they talk about the loss of Weir and Carson Beckett. Intentional or not, the scene felt like an acknowledgement to the fans that miss those characters.

The scene between the Replicator Keller and the Duplicate Weir was also well done. The two actresses played this scene well together.

My only complaint? Where was Sam? I know why she wasn't in the duplicate Atlantis but it did feel strange that she wasn't even mentioned in this episode. With any luck Amanda Tapping will sign on for a full season and the writers won't be faced with the dilemma of being so selective with their Carter episodes.

Finally... the end scene where the dots representing Replicator ships popped up all over the screen... loved the fade to black followed by more beeps and Rodney's, "Oh Crap." Nice.

To Drag and to Hold

Someone please tell me why ABC hasn't officially picked up Women's Murder Club for a whole season. I know, I know... writers' strike, blah, blah, blah. That will end - someday. ABC would be just plain dumb to let a cast that gels this well get away.

This week Lindsey (Angie Harmon) had to deal with her ex-husband getting remarried while trying to find the killer of a drag queen. The look on her face when she heard her ex over the phone reciting his vows was some nice acting. I'm also loving how Cindy and Lindsey are growing their friendship. They're complete opposites but put the two of them in the same scene and you get genuine warmth and often some really funny lines.

This week's episode was made extra special by a guest appearance at the end of the show. Joe Flannigan!!! If that names means nothing to you then you obviously don't watch Stargate Atlantis. I'm hoping we'll be seeing a lot more of him but with the strike and Atlantis set to return to production on season 5 in February I'm not sure that will happen.

If you haven't gotten hooked on the Women's Murder Club here is your chance to get in on the action from the beginning. ABC reruns the pilot tonight and we're looking at a few repeats now on Thursdays.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

You Kill Me

I finally got around to watching this episode of CSI. Yeah, I know. I'm a little late on this one. I just have to say it was one of the most enjoyable episodes of the series ever. Watching the actors acting all out of character was a riot - especially Catherine. For some reason I found her especially funny.

Can the producers please make Liz Vassey a series regular? She's my favorite character on the show right now. Her reactions and snarky comments made this episode. I especially loved her response to finding out she was the latest victim in Hodges little murder game. "That's a little passive aggressive, don't you think?" When Wendy mentioned she was considering taking the CSI field test I felt a surge of hope that the producers were finally getting wise to the potential they have with the character. Here's hoping we'll see her in the credits soon.

Now I just need to catch up with this week's episode which I'm hearing is something to behold - visually at least.

Thursday, December 6, 2007


The CW rolled out an impressively long promo for their new reality series "Crowned" last night. OMG. I can't stand watching beauty pageants but I'm going to have to check out the first episode of this train wreck. This might just be my new guilty - very guilty - pleasure.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The Bones Kiss!

So if you saw last week's episode of Bones you know Booth and Brennan finally, finally kissed. However the moment seemed rather tame. Well check out this behind the scenes footage. You'll see the tameness was a product of editing.

Saturday, December 1, 2007


So the family was in for a whole week for Thanksgiving. That means I saw absolutely zero TV - for a week. A whole week. Do you know how hard it is to avoid being spoilt on your favorite shows for a week? Makes me tired just thinking about it.

I'm giving my effusive praise for Women's Murder Club a rest this post. Not because I didn't think it was good. You have the local ABC affiliate's freaking "Circle of Lights" special to thank for screwing up my DVR on that one. Bastards.

Catching up has been a slow process. I have checked out the latest episodes of Law & Order SVU, CSI: NY, Grey's Anatomy, Bionic Woman and Life. Apparently most of the networks were saving their best episodes of sweeps until last.

Starting with SVU. My DVR always cuts off the promos for this show so I had no idea Olivia and Kathy were going to be in a car accident. You could kind of feel it coming but it was still jarring. I'm a shipper when it comes to Liv and Elliott so I'm not thrilled with the whole baby story, but I was glad it didn't end tragically. That would have been too over the top. And the hug at the end... about time. I was about to yell at my TV when Elliott started past Liv. I mean she saved his wife and child for crying out loud. At least give her a hug! Glad he did. ;-) SVU logged in a much improved episode over last week's episode with virtually no Stabler and absolutely no Olivia. I know the actors need a break, but I'm just not digging the new guy. I want Fin and Munch back.

Grey's was back to the soapy episodes of old... and that's a good thing. The paramedics were just gut wrenching. I remember a similar storyline on China Beach where they knew the soldier was going to bleed out. The main difference was that the soldier knew it was going to happen. And Meredith realizing the impact she'd had on the paramedic's wife was some nice writing. And God love Bailey. I hear she's going to take over the voice over narration for an up coming episode. You know the reason behind it won't be good, but you can bet Chandra Wilson's acting will be. One last note... can Izzie and George just be over already?

Life continues to surprise me. When I first started writing this blog I didn't give it much of a chance. I thought it was quirky and had appealing characters but I really didn't think it would last. Shows what I know. It just got a full season pickup along with Chuck. The moment when the suspect swallowed the evidence was the best. The look on Danni's face was priceless. Also a nice touch having Danni give Crues back his knife. These two are very layered characters and the actors are playing those layers beautifully. I'm also really digging their captain. I hope she doesn't turn out to be one of the bad guys, but I'm loving the ambiguity they're writing for the character.

CSI: NY was probably the best episode of the series I've seen. Starting the show with the majority of the cast being sealed in a runaway subway is certainly a way to get my attention. They tied up a bunch of threads that had been spooling out over the entire season. It was nicely done and everyone had something to do. I'm wondering if we're going to see more of Detective Brennan (?), however. I've just got a feeling we haven't seen the last of Erin Daniels in that role.

As for Bionic Woman... I really don't know what to say. The episode was not awful. Not at all. It's just that I keep waiting for it to rise up to something resembling the level of Battlestar. That's probably not fair. Truthfully, I hope the show does get picked up and has a chance to find it's legs. Michelle Ryan deserves a chance to get some decent dialogue for her character. They've really started playing up the bionics, even giving us a neat little noise in a recent episode. That sound made the whole episode for me and I missed it this week. Yeah, I'm a child of the 70s... had both bionic dolls. The bionic "sound" is a must in my book.

So now I need to catch up on Bones, Stargate Atlantis, CSI, Samantha Who, and Chuck among others. And Heroes if I can find the energy to care about watching it.
