Wednesday, October 31, 2007

One more thing...

A fun website for all you liberals out there. See what kind of liberal you are with this test. Turns out I'm a "New Left Hipster." I will say that I love the Daily Show but hate - just for the record...

Not a one...

Not a single trick-or-treater darkened my door tonight. How sad is that? And after I went to all the trouble of stopping off at CVS Pharmacy to pick up a bag of candy or three. Oh well, more Tootsie Pops for me, I guess. Hmph.

I was so pumped to see the episode of Bones last night that I watched it live (trust me, this is a rarity for any show). All I can say is what a bummer. The costumes were a kick but the story was just lame. Brennan as Wonder Woman, however... that was a sight. And Hodgins made a rather dashing Titanic captain. I normally don't go for bearded guys but I'd make an exception for him. I think it's those pretty, big blue eyes of his.

My U-Verse DVR has been acting up so I haven't seen much lately. It fouled up the signal so badly on SVU last week I couldn't watch it. This week it was CSI: Miami. So far it hasn't wrecked anything I just had to see, but if it does... there will be hell to pay. And probably an expensive service bill from AT&T. Bastards.

And how annoying is it that all the networks are screwing with the actual length of their programs? It seems like all of them are running over by anywhere from thirty seconds to three or four minutes. I have yet to actually see the last shot on Heroes for the last several weeks. And forget about previews to anything.

Okay so I had to take a bit of break from writing tonight's entry. Four fire trucks and an ambulance pulled up right in front of my house. In fact, the ambulance backed into my driveway! I heard the sirens but they didn't sound like they were upfront until I wandered toward my kitchen and saw it lit up like some kind of disco hell. I guess I'll discover what all the fuss was about tomorrow. They stayed about 15 minutes then split without ever even knocking on my door. Weird.

So back to talking about Heroes. Monday's episode was another big yawn. I must confess to praising Jesus, however, when the wonder twins finally got across the freaking border!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Just for laughs...

Nothing is more fun than animal videos. Here's a few fun ones if you're looking for something to do other than anything useful...

The Mean Kitty Song

His musical choices leave something to be desired but this bird knows how to get down.. Make sure you watch the end when he really gets with it. :-)

Snowball the Dancing Cockatoo

And who doesn't like talking cats???

And if animals aren't your thing, how about a laughing baby??

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Get quippy and you die.

That's my favorite quote of the week. I'll be using that one. Chalk up another great comeback for Lindsey Boxer on Women's Murder Club. If you're not watching this show you're totally missing out. The chemistry among the four leads is outstanding, but it's the dialogue I love. And the look on Lindsey's face in this week's episode when she ran up the stairs expecting to find a woman in mortal peril and instead discovers a dental hygienist in full bondage gear... priceless. I rewound that one a few times it was so funny. Her comment on the whole situation? "And people wonder why I don't date."

Heroes finally improved with the addition of Kristen Bell. She brings that certain something to her role and it's going to be fun watching Veronica Mars play the bad girl for a change. We're already speculating at the office who her daddy is going to be. At least we're talking about the show again. For the first several weeks we didn't have anything nice to say so we weren't saying anything at all.

Bionic Woman continues to frustrate the hell out of me. There is so much flipping potential for this show and it keeps falling way short. I have no issues with Michelle Ryan as the lead. It isn't her that's the problem. It's the crappy dialogue and the lame ass plots. I sincerely hope this show gets its groove sometime soon before it's too late. Of all my friends I'm the only one still watching it. The rest have thrown in the towel. I'll give it through November but that's it.

Private Practice is growing on me. It's still not Grey's Anatomy (which has been back in form the past two episodes) but it's probably not fair for me to compare the two. Unlike Bionic Woman I think this show is finally finding it's tone. My only quibble is that I miss the Addison I grew to love on Grey's. It's like the character moved to LA and got a brain transplant...

As for other shows... I have to say that all three CSIs seem to be going through a rebirth this season. Especially Vegas. All of them are considerably improved. I still fast forward through the lab montages - which cuts the show down to a more manageable half hour. I was never crazy about the Sara Sidle character but I'm quite curious to see how they write her out. I'll give credit to Jojora Fox. She's doing the best acting I've ever her seen her do on the show.

Stargate Atlantis finally had an off episode this season. Not a bad one, mind you, it just didn't live up to the first four which were all quite good. Jill Waggoner as Larrin finally grew on me but not until almost the end of the episode. I've never been a fan of episodes that largely revolve around a single character. Team focused episodes feel better paced. And I missed Carter and Keller who are forming a neat little friendship as the newbies on Atlantis. Next week's episode looks like fun, though. And it should be visually awesome as well. At least that's what Joseph Mallozzi told me in his blog after I commented on the lush look of the shooting style this season. I have to admit to a fangirl moment. It's pretty darn cool when the showrunner of one of your favorite programs takes a moment to answer a comment or a question you've asked. Check out his blog here ( if you like the show. And he's got the cutest damn dogs you've ever seen.

Finally I have to mention Murder in Suburbia again. I watched the last episode of season 1 yesterday and laughed my head off. There is a scene near the beginning of the episode where the two leads are getting scolded by their captain. He mentions that a suspect has accused them of using improper and insulting language during her arrest. Both inspectors look baffled for a moment. He adds, "She says you used the 'C' word." Ash clarifies everything when she explains that Scribbs said, "You can't, as in you can't do that." Now imagine how the British say the word 'can't' and you'll get the joke. Scribbs follows up with, "Hence the phonetic misunderstanding." Come to think of it, there's another line worth adding to my arsenal. :-)

Saturday, October 20, 2007

October 20, 2007

Shows are dropping right and left. No, not from the network schedules - from my DVR. I'm working on reclaiming a little of my life so I'm making some hard decisions about what I'm watching right now.

Gossip Girl, House, and Reaper have had their season passes purged. I've picked up Women's Murder Club which was just as enjoyable in its second outing as it was in its first. I wouldn't have picked this show to be my new favorite of the fall TV season but it's proving to be quite entertaining. I'm on the fence right now about Heroes. If it doesn't start picking up the pace pronto I'll wait for the freaking DVD release. The thing I always like about Heroes was that they didn't drag things out like some other shows (yes, Lost, I'm talking to you) but this season has been painfully slow. For the love of God, could the wonder twins please cross the flipping border???? And I am not digging the flying teenager. He's annoying the crap out of me. Right now the only story interesting me is Mica's family in New Orleans. Gotta love his cousin's power. Imagine being able to do anything you saw on television. Then you'd have a great excuse for watching as much of it as you wanted!

As for why Gossip Girl is going... I think I'd simply rather watch it all without the wait. Reaper isn't holding my interest like I thought it would, unlike its similar counterpart Chuck. I'm liking Chuck more and more each week. Other than the devil and the sidekick, however, Reaper isn't showing me much. I'm a little bummed about that because I so looked forward to this series.

Then there is House. I've watched House from the beginning. As I write this entry I'm even wearing a House t-shirt someone gave me (What? It's comfy!). I don't even think there is anything wrong with the episodes I've seen this season. I think I'm simply over the show. The formula just doesn't hold my interest anymore. As fascinating as some of the cases may be, they aren't enough to get me to tune in.

Now there is a show that I might add to my list of season passes - Samantha Who? I don't watch comedies as a rule. Love funny movies but rarely do I take in comedies on TV. Just a weird quirk of mine I guess. But Samantha could make me change my ways if she continues to be as entertaining as she was in the premiere. And the identity of the bellman at the hotel was driving me nuts. I knew I'd seen him somewhere before. Then it hit me. Tuvok! He's Tuvok from Star Trek Voyager. Did I just solidify my geek cred or what?

Finally, I've picked up episodes of a British series called Murder in Suburbia. There are only 12 episodes in all (2 seasons worth across the pond). The murder cases aren't much but the two leads are a blast. Posh, uptight Inspector Kate "Ash" Ashurst and her working-class partner Detective Emma "Scribbs" Scribbins solve... you guessed it... murders in suburbia. Both women are single and often commiserate about their love lives, or lack their of. One funny scene has Ash making a fool of herself in front of her boss (whom she secretly fancies). Her partner helpfully points out that if they carried guns she'd be able to shoot her. Ash responds: "If we carried guns I'd shoot myself." The show is a lot of fun. Too bad it only lasted for two seasons.

And no, I haven't watched Pushing Daises. Got them all recorded, though. My hopes for this series are so high that I haven't watched for fear they'll be crushed. I'll try to brave the pilot sometime in the near future.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

I'll pencil you in ten minutes past a woman is dead!

Well after a fairly disappointing new television season I got my first nice surprise. Women's Murder Club, based on the James Patterson novels, debuted last night. Now I confess to having a girl crush on Angie Harmon. I want to be that tall, that gorgeous, and have a voice that sexy. Unfortunately, I'm blond, 5'5, and I think my voice usually sounds congested...
I'm really surprised ABC banished this one to Fridays. The cast has great chemistry, especially Harmon and Paula Newsome who plays the coroner. The only weak spot for me is Rob Estes as Tom, Lindsey's ex turned boss. It's not that the plot point is bad, I'm just not buying the relationship between them, yet.
There were some great one liners in here - most notably the one that titles today's entry. Harmon has some great comedic chops that she certainly never got to display with any regularity on Law & Order. Every now and then Abby Carmichael got to let loose with zinger or two but Det. Lindsey Boxer has more zippy comebacks and comments in one episode than Carmichael had in whole seasons. Harmon seems to be relishing her role and who can blame her. Lindsay is an actor's dream. I'm especially curious to see if the character will ever go through what she did in the first book. I won't spoil it here but if the show includes it this season it will be huge, and give Harmon even more meat to chew on in this role.
I also give the show props for surprising me several times. I certainly didn't see what happened in the first season coming.
I'm still a hardcore Stargate fan on Friday nights but this show has moved up to the top 5 on my must-see list for next week. Impressive after only one airing. Hope the ratings for the show are good news come Monday.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Stop or I'll kick you in the testicles!

So I have a friend that is an even bigger TV nut than I am, but she has this very odd rule about the shows she watches - no medical shows and no cop shows. Think about all the programs that automatically excludes. None of the CSIs. No Grey's Anatomy, House, ER... It's pretty long freaking list. Maybe that's why she checked out Caveman. Hmm...

So I was chatting with this friend today about last night's... um... interesting episode of Bones. The program had the best line I've heard this fall season. "Stop or I'll kick you in the testicles!" That's one way to get a fleeing suspect to pull up short for sure. As Bones said when Booth made fun of for saying it, "It worked." But my friend decided that Bones fell into the "cop" category of shows she won't watch. Then she mentioned a distinction. FBI agents or okay. Then I informed her that Booth was a fed not a police officer. I've got her now. She is so going to watch this show and love it. Ha!

NCIS bounced back a bit for me last night so I'll give it another week.

Law & Order: SVU rebounded some as well. Although when did Olivia's hair grow back out? I'm wondering if the first three episodes were shot out of order. Weird. This episode still felt a little Stabler and Benson light but the scene where Novak assaults that smarmy center guy was priceless. I liked the scene after it between Benson and Novak as well. Those two work well together, but we rarely get to see them in scenes like this. Casey pulling Olivia off a suspect isn't surprising... the other way around was a nice twist on their dynamic.

What's weighing most on my mind at the moment is the potential writers' strike. Oddly enough, I'm almost hoping it happens. I've heard rumors that the networks could fill their time with British dramas such as MI5 and Wire in the Blood. I've never seen either but I've heard great things. I'd be very curious to watch some of the programs Hollywood will inevitably ripoff later and do poor imitations of them at that.

On that snarky note... off to watch Bionic Woman...

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Bones Night!

So tonight is Bones night. I'm looking forward to seeing the latest adventures of Brennan, Booth, and the rest of the gang. I'm enjoying the 3rd season but that's not something I can say for some other shows...

I was a huge advocate of the show last season. I was a pest, really, when it came to hounding friends to watch it. Now I'm feeling like maybe I should have kept my yap shut. The first three episodes haven't been bad... they've just been, well, boring. What I liked so much about Heroes over Lost was how quickly they moved the story. We didn't have to wait years for a payoff. Right now there are too many stories being crammed into 44 minutes of the show and as a result I don't give a rat's ass about any of them.

I came into this show early last season after only catching pieces of episodes here and there. I loved the team dynamic and banter. The show is far from Shakespeare but it's fun. This season I'm just finding it tedious. I guess the bloom is off the rose for me. I'll give the show tonight to lure me back from the brink, but I'm thinking this one is about to lose its season pass on my DVR.

Law & Order: SVU
Oh how I hate to write that I'm not loving the season so far. The first episode (which I discussed in another entry) was fine. Loving the return of Olivia's short hair. But after last week's episode that's all I'm loving. I don't care for the new detective. All I kept thinking was, "Great. Another detective to work with Benson or Stabler - so long as we don't have to watch Benson and Stabler working together!" The episodes of this series that I love are the ones with Olivia and Elliott at its core. Fin and Munch are fine, and I enjoy Novak and the captain as well - but seriously, the show is getting a little too crowded. I'd like to see a return to basics. We're still pretty early in the season (only two eps but I see a pattern emerging here) so hopefully they'll surprise me and turn things around.

Moving on to other matters... namely some additional pilots I've checked out this season. I finally watched Gossip Girl. I never expected to actually (gasp) enjoy it. I was never a fan of Melrose Place, 90210, The O.C., or any other prime time soap, but I could see myself getting addicted to Gossip Girl. Why do I feel so dirty saying that?

Dirty Sexy Money was interesting. The cast is stellar but I'm not totally sold, yet. But it was good enough to get me to give it a few more tries - which is something I can't say for CBS' Moonlight...

And no, I didn't watch Cavemen or Carpoolers. A girl has to have some standards. I'm mean, c'mon.

I also checked out Reaper at long last. Very, very similar to Chuck. I think I'll only have room for one of these on my schedule. They've got three episodes a piece to help me make my choice.

And finally, I have to say the second episode of Stargate Atlantis was better than the first this season... and that's saying a lot. The show has gone much darker this season - both in look and in tone, and it is way better for it. If you haven't watched drop by on Friday nights at 10 EST on SciFI.