Saturday, September 22, 2007

The fall season... so far

Well thanks to's Unbox I've watched NBC's offerings for the fall. I've caught the pilots for Bionic Woman, Chuck, Life, and Journeyman. Of all of them I'm surprised at the one I like the most.

I was very psyched about Bionic Woman since I'm a child of the seventies and a fan of what David Eick (sp?) did with his re-imaging of Battlestar Galatica. So I was more than a little disappointed that the show didn't live up to the hype. Michelle Ryan is fine. My quibbles with the show aren't with the actors. The SFX were horrid in parts - especially when Jamie was running through the woods. I'd rather see Lindsey Wagner run in slo-mo than watch an effect that bad. Ick. The episode seriously dragged until the point where Jamie left the facility where she'd been held since being "upgraded." Then it picked up enough to where I'll give the show another shot. Katee Sackoff is obviously relishing her bad bionic girl roll but they need to give her some better dialogue. I have expected the girl to grow a handlebar moustache to twirl. And was it just me or was she hitting on Jamie in the bar scene? Let me know what you think.

Chuck was just plain cute. The chemistry between all the leads was a nice surprise. And I laughed out loud several times - something most comedy shows fail to make me do. I had little or no expectations going in to Chuck but I'll be programming the DVR for it. I think it's a very nice fit with Heroes, which I can't wait till Monday's premiere by the way.

Life. I'm not sure about this one. It wasn't bad by any means but I wouldn't be surprised to see this one slide from the schedule in a hurry. I like the partner the most but this paring is lacking the chemistry that made Chuck so endearing. The concept behind the show is intriguing. I'll be interested to see if audiences take to this one.

Which brings me to my favorite of the new NBC crop - Journeyman. There is a twist about half way through the pilot episode that was expertly executed. My mouth dropped open in surprise because I totally did not see it coming. I love the lead so much that I need to go rent Rome to see more of him. Again this is a show that took some time with casting and got a cast that works well together. A lot of friends keep saying that Journeyman is a ripoff of Quantum Leap. Watch Monday and get back to me on that. I'll bet you'll be more intrigued by this version of a time traveling man...

So the DVR is now set... Bones, Law & Order: SVU, Heroes, Grey's Anatomy, all the CSIs... they're all back next week and not a moment too soon. Can't wait to check out my old favorites while finding a few new ones...

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