Sunday, September 2, 2007

NBC. Is must see TV back?

NBC. It used to be my favorite network. The only network I watched on a regular basis. Now? I watch Heroes. That's it. Nothing else. But that seems about to change this fall...

Bionic Woman. Journey Man. Chuck. They all look intriguing. I'm especially psyched about the Bionic Woman. I am a child of the seventies and loved the original - campy though it was. Being a fan of Battlestar Galattica as well I feel like I'm getting the best of two worlds combined. The trailer looks interesting. The car wreck scene is amazing in a way I haven't seen since the passengers on board Oceanic flight 815 crashed on a mysterious island three years ago. Toss in some nifty special effects and Starbuck as a villain and I am so there on premiere night. I've heard some reviewers say the show is boring. I'm guessing they don't like Battlestar, either. Thought provoking drama isn't for everyone apparently. Otherwise ABC wouldn't think that Caveman show was a good idea. Ick.

Chuck usually wouldn't be my kind of show. We've seen the formula before in the short-lived Jake 2.0, but there is something very endearing about the title character. The humor in the previews has made me laugh and there appears to be some nice chemistry among the leads.

My curiosity about Journey Man has been a little slow to evolve but after the most recent round of previews there is enough there to get me to watch. Truthfully I'll record just about every new pilot this season but very few will make it on to my season pass list. I have my fingers crossed that this show will turn out to be a good companion to pair with Heroes.

One thing that I will say for this fall season overall is that sci-fi is back with a bang on all the networks. I can't wait.

By the way... if you aren't watching Sanctuary at you're missing out. They just had their season finale... and it kicked major a$$. The first several webisodes are free so there is no excuse not to watch... ;-)

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