Sunday, October 28, 2007

Get quippy and you die.

That's my favorite quote of the week. I'll be using that one. Chalk up another great comeback for Lindsey Boxer on Women's Murder Club. If you're not watching this show you're totally missing out. The chemistry among the four leads is outstanding, but it's the dialogue I love. And the look on Lindsey's face in this week's episode when she ran up the stairs expecting to find a woman in mortal peril and instead discovers a dental hygienist in full bondage gear... priceless. I rewound that one a few times it was so funny. Her comment on the whole situation? "And people wonder why I don't date."

Heroes finally improved with the addition of Kristen Bell. She brings that certain something to her role and it's going to be fun watching Veronica Mars play the bad girl for a change. We're already speculating at the office who her daddy is going to be. At least we're talking about the show again. For the first several weeks we didn't have anything nice to say so we weren't saying anything at all.

Bionic Woman continues to frustrate the hell out of me. There is so much flipping potential for this show and it keeps falling way short. I have no issues with Michelle Ryan as the lead. It isn't her that's the problem. It's the crappy dialogue and the lame ass plots. I sincerely hope this show gets its groove sometime soon before it's too late. Of all my friends I'm the only one still watching it. The rest have thrown in the towel. I'll give it through November but that's it.

Private Practice is growing on me. It's still not Grey's Anatomy (which has been back in form the past two episodes) but it's probably not fair for me to compare the two. Unlike Bionic Woman I think this show is finally finding it's tone. My only quibble is that I miss the Addison I grew to love on Grey's. It's like the character moved to LA and got a brain transplant...

As for other shows... I have to say that all three CSIs seem to be going through a rebirth this season. Especially Vegas. All of them are considerably improved. I still fast forward through the lab montages - which cuts the show down to a more manageable half hour. I was never crazy about the Sara Sidle character but I'm quite curious to see how they write her out. I'll give credit to Jojora Fox. She's doing the best acting I've ever her seen her do on the show.

Stargate Atlantis finally had an off episode this season. Not a bad one, mind you, it just didn't live up to the first four which were all quite good. Jill Waggoner as Larrin finally grew on me but not until almost the end of the episode. I've never been a fan of episodes that largely revolve around a single character. Team focused episodes feel better paced. And I missed Carter and Keller who are forming a neat little friendship as the newbies on Atlantis. Next week's episode looks like fun, though. And it should be visually awesome as well. At least that's what Joseph Mallozzi told me in his blog after I commented on the lush look of the shooting style this season. I have to admit to a fangirl moment. It's pretty darn cool when the showrunner of one of your favorite programs takes a moment to answer a comment or a question you've asked. Check out his blog here ( if you like the show. And he's got the cutest damn dogs you've ever seen.

Finally I have to mention Murder in Suburbia again. I watched the last episode of season 1 yesterday and laughed my head off. There is a scene near the beginning of the episode where the two leads are getting scolded by their captain. He mentions that a suspect has accused them of using improper and insulting language during her arrest. Both inspectors look baffled for a moment. He adds, "She says you used the 'C' word." Ash clarifies everything when she explains that Scribbs said, "You can't, as in you can't do that." Now imagine how the British say the word 'can't' and you'll get the joke. Scribbs follows up with, "Hence the phonetic misunderstanding." Come to think of it, there's another line worth adding to my arsenal. :-)

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