Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Stop or I'll kick you in the testicles!

So I have a friend that is an even bigger TV nut than I am, but she has this very odd rule about the shows she watches - no medical shows and no cop shows. Think about all the programs that automatically excludes. None of the CSIs. No Grey's Anatomy, House, ER... It's pretty long freaking list. Maybe that's why she checked out Caveman. Hmm...

So I was chatting with this friend today about last night's... um... interesting episode of Bones. The program had the best line I've heard this fall season. "Stop or I'll kick you in the testicles!" That's one way to get a fleeing suspect to pull up short for sure. As Bones said when Booth made fun of for saying it, "It worked." But my friend decided that Bones fell into the "cop" category of shows she won't watch. Then she mentioned a distinction. FBI agents or okay. Then I informed her that Booth was a fed not a police officer. I've got her now. She is so going to watch this show and love it. Ha!

NCIS bounced back a bit for me last night so I'll give it another week.

Law & Order: SVU rebounded some as well. Although when did Olivia's hair grow back out? I'm wondering if the first three episodes were shot out of order. Weird. This episode still felt a little Stabler and Benson light but the scene where Novak assaults that smarmy center guy was priceless. I liked the scene after it between Benson and Novak as well. Those two work well together, but we rarely get to see them in scenes like this. Casey pulling Olivia off a suspect isn't surprising... the other way around was a nice twist on their dynamic.

What's weighing most on my mind at the moment is the potential writers' strike. Oddly enough, I'm almost hoping it happens. I've heard rumors that the networks could fill their time with British dramas such as MI5 and Wire in the Blood. I've never seen either but I've heard great things. I'd be very curious to watch some of the programs Hollywood will inevitably ripoff later and do poor imitations of them at that.

On that snarky note... off to watch Bionic Woman...

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